Crescent Veterinary Hospital

14378 Dover Crescent Road
Crescent, OK 73028



Deworming Recommendations


Girl with horseThere are two methods used for deworming horses. The first method is to administer paste dewormers  every 6-8 weeks. The second method is to keep the horse on a daily dewormer and paste deworm twice a year.


Paste Deworming Protocol:

This schedule is recommended for the Northeastern United States for horses not on a continuous deworming program.( i.e. daily Strongid C 2X):

  • January-Ivermectin/praziquantel combination (Equimax)
  • March-Oxibendazole (Anthelcide)
  • May-Moxidectin (Quest) ( Use in horses only. We do not recommend using in miniature horses or ponies.)
  • May-Ivermectin (Equell) for miniature horses and ponies
  • July-Double dose Pyrantel Pamoate (Strongid)
  • September-Ivermectin/Praziquantel combination (Equimax)
  • November-Double dose Fenbendazole (Panacur) This can be repeated for 4 more days if horse is showing signs of small strongyle infestation (poor coat, chronic colic, diarrhea, unthrifty)

**Remember to read the active ingredient. For example fenbendazole is the active ingredient in Panacur and Safeguard.